level 2 food safety online

Train your employee with level 2 food hygiene to have a certification

Train your employee with level 2 food hygiene to have a certification

Food safety and hygiene is essential for anybody who is likely to be involved in a business from the food industry. It is the employer’s obligation to make sure that their employees are well equipped and completely hygienic in the manner they handle food and themselves to lessen the risks of food contamination significantly.

As such it is important to train employees with the Level 1 food safety training. Regardless of the type of food business, whether you’d be offering per meal services like catering and restaurants or mass producing food like manufacturing. It does not matter as long you provide that for your employees.

Level 1 Food safety focuses on the importance of not only food safety in the catering but also hospitality which will provide food handlers with knowledge of how will they contribute to the product safety. The course is dedicated on informing you the food safety legislation, hazards that threatens food safety from the delivery of the materials to producing the food service and the necessary knowledge for prevention of contamination and cleanliness of the premise.

That being said, training your employees with level 2 food safety is also very important. The course content that level 2 food safety covers are:

  • Food hygiene and safety importance
  • Personal and legal obligations
  • The effects of food-related incidents
  • Causes of food contamination
  • Good hygiene practices
  • Controlling the temperature and proper packaging to avoid food contamination.

Employees working on a food industry business should have level 2 food safety certification, for not only it’s a legal obligation that the law requires the business to oblige but also those who handle our food should be wary and careful before serving them. For both the employee and even the employer alike are responsible for whatever happens to those who consume the food that the business produced.

So rather than risk the chances of food-related incidents, wouldn’t it be better to have precaution of it? For more information please contact aegis4training.

Why we do we need food hygiene course?

Why we do we need food hygiene course


A business in the food industry isn’t unusual; you would find thousands upon thousands of different kind of food industry service. You would find restaurants, catering services for different kinds of food culture and even the mass producing fast food chains and food manufacturers. Regardless of what kind of food service does one offer for the food industry, it is important to make sure that those who prepare food follow the code of standards of cleanliness.

Yes, making sure that the food is tasty, nutritious and cost-efficient isn’t the only concern that food servers have. To ensure the cleanliness of the food served, the hygiene of the employees who will handling the food must be following the food safety standards is also another concern those who have businesses in the food industry should be considering.

For one thing disregarding such simple thing may lead to harm for those who consume the food service that the businesses provide. Problems that come from neglecting food safety standards such as food contamination could cause harm and serious threatening health issues for the customers. And it’s not just about the customers; it is also disruptive for the business and a violation to the food safety law. Every country has a food safety standard law, in fact in the UK there is an entire organization dedicated to make sure that the food safety are up to standards.

And doing so applying for the Level 1 Food Safety course is important. Whether your business may be for catering, manufacturing or retail. After applying for the level 1 food safety course of the food business you have, applying for the level 2 food safety courses are also important.

All employees of a food industry business should be following the standards set for food safety.

To find out more about food safety, check out aegis4traning!