First aid kit box for your Business place

First Aid Training

It is a good idea to take a first aid course

so that you can recognize an emergency and give basic first aid. Learning basic first aid can help you cope with an emergency. You may be able to keep a person breathing, reduce their pain or minimize the consequences of injury or sudden illness until an medical assistance arrives.


Reasons Why You Should Take A First Aid Training Course for your own knowledge.


Here are some of the reasons why you should take a first aid training course.

  • When you have kids, you will want to protect them and take of them when they get hurt, and let’s face it they will get hurt at some point. Kids love to play and often the more dangerous the game is the more appealing it is to them but sometimes this can lead to serious injuries that need instant attention. If it is a head or neck injury then you will have to act before the ambulance arrives and that’s when it is vital to know what you are doing as the wrong actions can make the situation even worse .


  • When you have elderly living with you then it is smart to have some first aid skills as elderly people are very susceptible to many dangers. These dangers could be natural such as a heart attack or stroke or they could be accidents such as falling down stairs, slipping in the shower etc. Being able to give them speedy medical attention can make a world of difference and can save a life.


  • When you are into a sports. Maybe you are a coach or a spectator. Whatever your role is you can play an important part by learning first aid. We all know the risk surrounding sports, especially contact sports like rugby

    and football which can cause serious injuries. If you have the basic first aid then you could be of help, make  a vital role in assisting someone who is injured especially if the game is in a remote location and hard for an ambulance or doctor to get to it quickly.


  • Being a first aider in your workplace has many benefits. There are advantage to being able to help any of your colleagues who get injured or ill during work and there are personal benefits as well. Having a first aid role in your workplace will be impressive on your resume, it will impress your seniors and make your position within the company more stable and your employees will pay for your course which means that you will get your qualification for free.


  • So far we have looked at how first aid training can help you to help others but importantly it will also give you the tools to look after yourself. If for example you are out for a walk or camping by yourself and you suffer an injury or turn for the worse then you will know what to do and while you may still need help you will be able to tend to wounds or diagnose problems well enough to keep you out of danger until that help arrives. Having first aid knowledge really can be the difference between life and death and the benefits of learning it are limitless.

The best way to actually learn first aid is to do a first aid course. It’s useful to know where to start when you are charged when delivering first aid, and even before that there are a few things to consider. You need to make sure you stay calm, in control and don’t panic, or else you won’t be able to help and could end up in need of help yourself.

Once you’ve got yourself sorted, assess whether the casualty is in a safe environment, or whether they are causing a blockage for anyone else. If they’re in a safe and secure place, great, if not, and if possible with regards to the severity of the injury, move them.

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Basic steps of first aid if wounded

First Aid of the woundedOpen wounds or cut in tissue (lacerations), scrapes (abrasions), and puncture wounds can be caused by bites or by other mechanisms. Wounds that are not caused by bites and are clean and quite small usually heal fast without any problems. However, some wounds can cause extensive blood loss. In some wounds, deeper structures, such as nerves, tendons, or blood vessels, are also injured. Other wounds can become infected. A piece of foreign material (such as a splinter, glass, or a clothing fragment) can also remain hidden inside a wound, causing later problems such as infection.

Shallow cuts to most areas of the skin rarely bleed much and often stop bleeding on their own. Cuts to the hand and scalp as well as cuts to arteries and larger veins often bleed vigorously.
Infection can build up when a wound is contaminated with dirt and bacteria. Although any wound can become infected, infection is particularly likely in deep scrapes, which grind dirt into the skin, and in puncture wounds (particularly those resulting from animal or human bites), which introduce contamination deep under the skin. Wounds that contain foreign material frequently become infected. The longer a wound remains contaminated, the more likely it is that infection will develop.

Wounds can be painful at first, but it will lessens the pain after the first day. If a wound affects a nerve or tendon, the patient may be unable to move the body part fully. Some nerve injuries cause weakness or paralysis, loss of sensation, or numbness. If foreign material remains inside a puncture wound, the part of the wound near the material is usually painful when touched.
Pain that becoming worse a day or more after the injury is usually the first sign of infection. Later, an infected wound becomes red and swollen. A fever may also develop.

Basic step of first aid if wounded:
The first step in treating a wound is to stop the bleeding. Visible bleeding can almost always be stopped by firmly compressing the bleeding area with a finger or hand for at least 5 minutes. Whenever possible, the bleeding part is elevated above the level of the heart. Because tourniquets shut off all blood flow to a body part and deprive it of oxygen, they are used only for very severe injuries (such as combat casualties).
To avoid infection, dirt and particles are removed and the wound is washed. Large, visible particles are picked off. Smaller dirt and particles that cannot be seen are removed by washing with mild soap and tap water. Dirt and particles that remain after washing often can be removed with a more highly pressured stream of warm tap water. Harsher agents, such as alcohol, iodine, and peroxide, are not recommended. These solutions can damage tissue, impairing the capacity to heal. Scrubbing is required to clean deep scrapes. If a wound is very small, it can be kept closed with certain commercially available tapes. Stitches may be needed for deep or large cuts. After cleaning and, if necessary, closing the wound, antibiotic ointment and a bandage are applied.

Medical help is needed under the following circumstances:
• If bleeding does not stop on its own or within several minutes after pressure is applied
• If there is a puncture wound, particularly if foreign material in the wound is likely
• If a scrape is deep or has dirt and particles that are difficult to remove
• If a cut is longer than about 1/3 inch (¾ centimeter), is on the face, appears deep, or has edges that separate
• If there are symptoms of a nerve or tendon injury, such as loss of sensation, loss of movement, or numbness
• If the person has not had a tetanus vaccination within the past 5 years
All kind of wounds, whether treated at home or by health care practitioners, should be assessed for symptoms of infection during the first several days after treatment. If any symptoms of infection develop, medical help should be sought within several hours. Small wounds heal within a few days.

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Online Health & Safety training courses

This online Health and Safety course helps you to fulfill legal requirements for providing workplace training; it also promotes staff awareness that can lead to greater efficiency, lower insurance costs and a reduction in lost time. So every businesses have a legal responsibilities to keep their employees  protected from possible hazard in the working area.

All of our online training can be managed and paused by the user and picked up again when they like, allowing freedom to complete the course in a time that fits around their workload. By allowing them to work at their own pace you can have peace of mind that everybody has received adequate information, without feeling the need to compete with their peers.

Organisations will experience a number of benefits from providing a safe and healthy workplace; In 2008/9 29.3 million days were lost overall due to work related health and safety issues. To help reduce these numbers, our course has been tailored to address your legal workplace training requirements, as well as key risk assessment areas. If you require additional training depending on your specific sector, you can view our additional courses including, Manual Handling, Asbestos Awareness.

This training is perfect for employees in any business who require health and safety training. It is also suitable for individuals who are self-employed and individuals who wish to increase their awareness of health and safety in the workplace, or prepare for entry to a new job.

Upon learning our health and safety course you will understand the role of safety representatives and the safety committee in your workplace. You will be more aware of how safety and health can be effectively managed. You will know how to create an accident report. You will be able to plan in the event of an emergency or accident. This course will help you to identify risks and hazards in your businesses. You will know your duties and responsibilities. You will be able to create an effective safety statement. You will understand health and safety legislation.

Our kind of  training has been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines.

Learning online is perfect for those unable to take time out of their busy day to attend courses at a training venue. Our online course condenses a day’s learning into approximately 30 minutes, and is the most cost-effective way to take the Health and Safety for Directors and Senior Managers course.

Alongside the learning modules, the course includes a personalized action plan for improving your organisation’s health and safety.

Delegates will have six months to complete the course.

Learners are immersed in an accident scenario where they assume the role of a director of a large company.

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How to Assess first Aid

first aid training online in UK

First aid demand for students with recognize health care needs should be.  Explained in the Student Health bear Plan or Anaphylaxis Management Plan. When an injury causes a nose bleed then an ice pack should not be used instead a cold compress may be used.

The following situation an icepack/cold compress should not be used and medical help should be sought (usually by calling an ambulance:

  • loss of consciousness, even if only momentarily
  • a less than circumspect conscious state
  • suspicion of a fracture
  • suspicion of a spinal disfigurement
  • damage to eyes or ears
  • penetration of the skin
  • deep open wounds.

Identify prospective causes of injury and illness :

  • check the environment for any potential hazards
  • review any incident, injury and ‘near miss’ data available
  • consider the nature of activities undertaken
  • consult with staff
  • obtain specialist or external advice, if required.


Staff who practice first aid should have their position descriptions updated to reflect this extra responsibility.  They must receive:

  • basic first aid training
  • and where required, additional first aid modules to cover:
    • the health needs of students attending the school, such as asthma management, administration of the EpiPen; or
    • excursions, specific educational programs or activities.

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First Aid Training


First Aid Online Lesson in UK

first aid course

In your work we can’t tell accident will happen in such situations. So you need a first aid Skill while you are working. A person who has been hurt or is immediately taken ill. First aid is the steps you can take before a person gets expert medical help. First aid can sometimes save a person’s life, but more often it is help given in an everyday tragedy or illness.

What kinds of things does first aid involve?

It comprise staying safe yourself and looking out for danger, helping someone feel better and stay calm. It also includes getting help – either by telling an adult or phoning 999.

Can first aid only be stated by adults?

No, children can learn how to give first aid – which is what this website is for!

Is first aid hard to learn?

No, first aid is easy to learn. All you have to do is follow straightforward steps for different situations.

What else do I need to know about first aid?

Good question. There are a figures of critical things to know about first aid:

It is important for everyone to help each other.

You are most likely to give first aid to your family or friends or yourself.

You can make a distinction!

An Owner of the Company will need to provide assessment  of their first-aid needs to establish what provision for first aid is needed. This will depend upon the workplace, taking into explanation, among other things, the number of employees, size, location and work activity.

The findings of your first-aid needs assessment may identify that trained first aiders are required. There are no hard and fast rules on exact numbers of trained  instructors first aiders you will require, and you will need to take into account all the relevant circumstances of your specific workplace.

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First Aid Training

CPR Training in UK

First aid training

If CPR is needed, using the correct technique will give someone the best chance of survival. CPR is most successful when started as quickly as possible, but you must first determine if it’s necessary. It should only be performed when a person isn’t breathing or circulating blood adequately.

Without oxygen being progress from the lungs to the blood stream and then pumped around the body by the heart a person will die. When a person be in pain cardiac arrest their heart stops beating, they lose consciousness, they stop breathing, and blood will not circulate. Unless they garner prompt first aid attention until medical or ambulance help arrives they will suffer irreparable brain damage and die within minutes.

Our online eLearning Training has all the technique for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on adults, in accordance with the current resuscitation guidelines. The program covers:

•Basic Life Undergird (BLS) procedure
•How to conduct CPR on an adult casualty
•How to deliver Rescue Breaths
•How to deliver chest compressions
•How to use a Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
•CPR with two rescuers
•Rescuer health and Sanitation

The program is suitable for use in any workplace and has been designed specifically as a refresher course and training aid for people who have already been or are being trained in CPR.

If you would like to preview the entire Course from us, click the button below!

We would be pleased to send you the full training course for your to preview and assess.

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CPR Training in UK

First Aid Training

First Aid , Baby or Child who is choking courses

baby choking

This course is Created to give you a preliminary to the First Aid skills and knowledge needed to help an Adult, Baby or Child who is choking.

It is impossible to cover all eventualities within this course, or to equip you with the knowledge and skills to appropriately diagnose and treat in unpredictable real life situations. If you doubt illness or injury, you should always seek immediate professional medical advice. It is better to prevent than to cure!


The course consists of illustrated step by step directions, flow charts, diagrams, videos and a short test yourself section fully compatible with all computers and mobile devices.

The Author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within the course, however this course is merely a guide and the Author does not accept any liability or responsibility for any inaccuracies or for any mistreatment or misdiagnosis of any person, however caused.


It is an E- Learning course that will have full flow of studies and ideas of first aiding. First aid is the assistance given to any person suffering a sudden illness or injury, with care provided to preserve life, so basically this will be applicable to everyone.


Youthful children are prone to choking. If the child is coughing and gagging but can breathe and talk, don’t do anything. But if he can’t breathe, you must act quickly to stop a life-threatening situation.

Press the chest!

  • Place the kid on a firm surface, which may still be your forearm.
  • Put two or three fingers in the center of the child’s breastbone and push quickly up to five times.
  • Repeat the back thumping and chest pushes until the object comes out or the child loses consciousness.
  • If the child is still not breathing, open the airway by putting your thumb in the child’s mouthand grasping the lower incisors or gums. The jaw should lift up so you can look for the object.
  • Do not try to pull the object out unless you see it clearly. You could accidentally push the object deeper in the child’s throat.

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Buy our First Aid Training Course!

First Aid Training