aegis 4 training safety course

Adult protection – Safeguarding Adults Training in the UK

Safeguarding Adults Training in UKSafeguarding adults means helping adults at risk live free from abuse and neglect. This used to be called ‘adult protection’.

Adults at risk are people who are vulnerable because of their mental health, physical disability, age or illness. They may find it difficult to protect themselves from abuse. Everybody can help adults at risk to live free from harm.

Social care plays an important role in helping people with care and support needs to live full lives, free from abuse and neglect. This includes preventing abuse, minimising risk without taking control away from individuals, and responding proportionately if abuse or neglect has occurred.

Local authorities, care providers, health services, housing providers and criminal justice agencies are all important safeguarding partners.

Aegis4training is having this online training course, for anyone who encounters adults at risk of abuse in the community, in a person’s own home, in a hospital, in a day care or residential setting. This includes formal and informal carers, volunteers, health and social care professionals.

  • Discover how values and attitudes can block recognition and effect the decisions professionals make regarding taking action.
  • The course reflects on the law, including key legislation and guidance regarding issues of consent and duty of care.
  • Assured that  you will be trained adequately in the issues surrounding the safeguarding of adults at risk in just a few hours with this online training.
  • Explore commonly held attitudes towards adults at risk and how these impact on the service provided.
  • The training outlines the signs, indicators, definitions and types of abuse including unintentional harm.
  • Finally, it is explained what to do if you have any concerns, what your responsibility is, what happens next and the role and responsibility of managers.

This course also package with scenarios to assist you to think about what you would do in a given situation.

Lessons includes the following:

  • Learning Objectives
  • Overview
  • Definitions and Useful Terms
  • Relevant Regulations
  • Roles and Responsibilities

For more details you can go to

Long term of se of computer will hurt your eyes

Assessing Display Screen EquipmentResearch shows computer eye problems are common. Somewhere between 50% and 90% of

people who work at a computer screen have at least some symptoms of eye trouble.

The name for eye problems caused by computer use is computer vision syndrome (CVS). CVS is

not one specific eye problem. Instead, the term encompasses a whole range of eye strain and pain

experienced by computer users.

In addition, working adults aren’t the only ones vulnerable to computer vision syndrome. Kids

who stare at portable video games or tablets or who use computers throughout the day at school

also can experience eye problems related to computer use, especially if the lighting and computer

position are less than ideal.

How Can the Computer Screen Affect Vision? Computer vision syndrome is similar to carpal

tunnel syndrome and other repetitive stress injuries at work. It occurs when you’re carrying out

the same motion over and over again. Just like those other repetitive stress injuries, computer

vision syndrome can get worse the longer you continue the activity.

Working at a computer requires that the eyes continuously focus, move back and forth, and align

with what you are seeing. You may have to look down at papers and then back up to type, and

the eyes have to accommodate to changing images on the screen in order to create a clear picture

for the brain to interpret.

All of these functions require a lot of effort from eye muscles. Working on a computer is more

challenging to your eyes than reading a book or piece of paper, because a computer screen also

adds the elements of screen contrast, flicker, and glare. Computer eye problems are more likely

to occur if you already have an eye problem — such as nearsightedness or astigmatism — or if

you need glasses but don’t wear them or wear the wrong prescription for computer use.

Working at a computer gets even more difficult as you get older. That’s because the lens of your

eye becomes less flexible. The ability to focus on near and far objects starts to diminish after

about age 40 — a condition called presbyopia.

BUY OUR ONLINE Assessing Display Screen Equipment training course!

First aid training in UK



First Aid at Workplace Training in UK


Criteria for first aid training

All first aid training providers will need to be able – and should be prepared to demonstrate how they satisfy certain criteria. These criteria include:

  • the qualifications expected of trainers and assessors
  • monitoring and quality assurance systems
  • teaching and standards of first-aid practice
  • syllabus content
  • certification

Training organisations should also meet the criteria set by the principles of assessment for first aid qualifications

These principles of assessment for first aid training expand on:

  • competence and qualifications of first aiders
  • the quality assurance systems required
  • how training is delivered
  • how training is assessed

Satisfying these criteria will demonstrate to employers that you are competent to deliver first aid training. Clarity in this area will help employers comply with the law, as the Health and Safety at Work Act clearly places a duty on them to select a competent training provider.

Training courses

If an employer has identified that first-aiders are needed in their workplace, they must ensure that those identified to be first first aiders undertake training appropriate to the need – typically this may be first aid at work (FAW) or emergency first aid at work (EFAW):

  • EFAW training enables a first-aider to give emergency first aid to someone who is injured or becomes ill while at work.
  • FAW training includes EFAW and also equips the first-aider to apply first aid to a range of specific injuries and illnesses.
  • Employers may also identify some other level or standard of training that is appropriate to their needs.

The findings of the first-aid needs assessment can help employers decide whether their first-aiders should be trained in FAW or EFAW or to some other appropriate standard. As a guide, the table in First aid at work: your questions answered suggests what first-aid personnel to provide under different circumstances.

FAW training courses involve at least 18 hours of training and are run over a minimum of three days. EFAW training courses involve at least six hours of training and are run over a minimum of one day.  Other appropriate training identified by an employer should have a duration that relates to the syllabus content (as compared with FAW and EFAW) HSE continues to set the syllabus for both FAW and EFAW.


Certificates for the purposes of first aid at work last for three years. Before their certificates expire, first-aiders will need to undertake a requalification course as appropriate, to obtain another three-year certificate. Once certificates have expired the first aider is no longer considered to be competent to act as a workplace first aider.

Standards of first aid

You should teach the first-aid management of injuries and illness, in relation to the topics covered in FAW/EFAW training courses, in accordance with:

  • current guidelines published by the Resuscitation Council (UK); and
  • the current edition of the first-aid manual of the Voluntary Aid Societies (St John Ambulance, British Red Cross, St Andrew’s First Aid); or
  • other published guidelines, provided they are in line with the two above or supported by a responsible body of medical opinion.

Where an employer requires training other than FAW or EFAW qualifications to demonstrate workplace first-aid competence, you should ensure that common elements of the syllabus are taught in accordance with the same guidelines and that there is a sound basis for the way in which any other elements are taught.

E-learning and blended learning

For the purposes of first aid at work training, regardless of the training an employer selects (FAW, EFAW or some other appropriate training for the circumstances) HSE does not accept e-learning, blended learning or any other form of distance learning as a valid form of delivery.

Training must be delivered face to face. This allows for the hands on, practical approach necessary for first aid training.

Refresher training

It is strongly recommended that first-aiders undertake annual refresher training, over half a day, during any three-year certification period. Although not mandatory, this will help qualified first-aiders maintain their basic skills and keep up to date with any changes to first-aid procedures.

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