Assessing Display Screen Equipment E learning training in UK

Long term of se of computer will hurt your eyes

Assessing Display Screen EquipmentResearch shows computer eye problems are common. Somewhere between 50% and 90% of

people who work at a computer screen have at least some symptoms of eye trouble.

The name for eye problems caused by computer use is computer vision syndrome (CVS). CVS is

not one specific eye problem. Instead, the term encompasses a whole range of eye strain and pain

experienced by computer users.

In addition, working adults aren’t the only ones vulnerable to computer vision syndrome. Kids

who stare at portable video games or tablets or who use computers throughout the day at school

also can experience eye problems related to computer use, especially if the lighting and computer

position are less than ideal.

How Can the Computer Screen Affect Vision? Computer vision syndrome is similar to carpal

tunnel syndrome and other repetitive stress injuries at work. It occurs when you’re carrying out

the same motion over and over again. Just like those other repetitive stress injuries, computer

vision syndrome can get worse the longer you continue the activity.

Working at a computer requires that the eyes continuously focus, move back and forth, and align

with what you are seeing. You may have to look down at papers and then back up to type, and

the eyes have to accommodate to changing images on the screen in order to create a clear picture

for the brain to interpret.

All of these functions require a lot of effort from eye muscles. Working on a computer is more

challenging to your eyes than reading a book or piece of paper, because a computer screen also

adds the elements of screen contrast, flicker, and glare. Computer eye problems are more likely

to occur if you already have an eye problem — such as nearsightedness or astigmatism — or if

you need glasses but don’t wear them or wear the wrong prescription for computer use.

Working at a computer gets even more difficult as you get older. That’s because the lens of your

eye becomes less flexible. The ability to focus on near and far objects starts to diminish after

about age 40 — a condition called presbyopia.

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Computer screen can damage your eyes

istock000018928325large Assessing Display Screen Equipment E learning training in UKNowadays, we seem to spend most of our time looking at screens: be it a computer screen at work, a mobile phone screen to make a call or a TV screen to relax. But how damaging is looking at screens for our eyes?

Based on Dr Blakeney, an optometric, computers will not permanently damage the eyes; however, they can cause strain or exacerbate existing eye conditions.

What problems with people do looking at computer screens cause? People working at computers more often, (specifically those people that work at the computer for more than three hours a day), may experience symptoms such as:

  • Blurred vision
  • Headaches
  • Burning sensations
  • Eye discomfort
  • Itchy eyes
  • Dry or watering eyes
  • Changes in color perception

Eyestrain is a type of repetitive strain injury (RSI) that is caused by lack of rest periods, improper working conditions and so forth. There are many causes of eyestrain. One of these is glare.

There are two types of glare, direct and indirect. Direct glare is where light shines directly in your eyes; whereas indirect glare is caused by light reflecting off surfaces into your eyes. Glare often results from computer screens being too dark or too bright. Glare leads to eye muscle fatigue, for the eyes have to struggle to make out the images on the screen.

Another major cause of eyestrain is the position of the computer screen. Naturally, the eyes are positioned so that they look straight ahead and slightly down.If the eyes have to look in a different direction, the muscles have to continually work to hold this position.

Thus, if your computer monitor is positioned incorrectly, the eye muscles must constantly work to hold the eyes in the correct position to view the monitor.

In order to prevent the eyes becoming strained in this way, the top of your computer screen should be no higher than eye level.

Dry eye syndrome. According to the NHS, using your computer correctly can also help to prevent dry eye syndrome.Dry eye syndrome is a condition in which the eyes become inflamed due to a lack of tears. This lack of tears is commonly due to a blockage of the oil secreting glands in the eyes. Although this condition causes discomfort, it does not usually affect vision.


Ways to reduce damage to your eyes caused by computer screens There are several ways you can minimise the potential damage to your eyes caused by looking at computer screens. Firstly, it is important to set up your computer screen so that it is in the correct position in relation to your eyes.As previously mentioned, the top of the screen should be in line with your eye level. In addition, the screen should be placed approximately 18-30 inches from you.

The screen should also be tilted slightly back – between 10 to 15 degrees depending on the person’s particular preference. This is so that you do not receive glare from lights in the ceiling.

Glare can also be avoided by placing blinds over nearby windows, or using a glare screen. In addition to adjusting the position of your screen, you can also minimise eye problems by simply blinking more frequently.

Many people don’t realise that they actually blink less when they look at a screen. Blinking is important, however, as it washes your eyes in their naturally therapeutic fluids. It is also important to take breaks from looking at your screen. One easy way to remember this is to think of 20-20-20. This reminds you that every 20 minutes you should try to look at something 20 feet away for a minimum of 20 seconds. It is also recommended to take breaks from your screen altogether, in particular every 2 hours.

Can looking at computer monitor improve eyesight? Despite the potential eye problems caused by looking at a screen too frequently, research carried out in the US has actually found that some screen viewing can be of benefit to the eyes.

Specifically, they realised that playing video games can improve vision. This is because playing video games gives the users chance to improve their contrast sensitivity. Contrast sensitivity refers to how faded an object can be before it is impossible to differentiate it from the same field of view. It is something that is affected by ageing. Contrast sensitivity is particularly important for activities such as driving in poor visibility, like in fog or at night.

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