Fire extinguishers are an essential element of fire protection and to ensure that the correct type
of extinguishers are specified and installed a site surveyshould ideally be carried out.
This guide has been designed to give an overview of fire classes, provide a basic understanding
of the different fire extinguisher types and their suitability and to demonstrate how fire
extinguishers can be used in an emergency.
Fire extinguishers are available with different extinguishing media. Each type of fire extinguisher
has a specific colour code which allows easy identification.
Fires are classified according to what type of combustible material is involved. Each fire class is
represented by a letter and/or symbol.
Learn about the different categories of electrical fire and which extinguishers can be used for
each type.
Find out what type of fire extinguishers should be installed in the various locations throughout a
building and how surrounding risks need to be accounted for.
Each type of fire should be approached differently depending on which type of fire the
extinguisher is being used. It can be dangerous to tackle a fire incorrectly.
A fire extinguisher buying guide with advice about what to look for when buying fire
extinguishers and what options are available during the checkout process. It is important to
ensure that fire extinguishers are serviced and maintained to ensure they are fully functional in
the event of fire.
It is essential to make sure that fire extinguishers are installed correctly to ensure that they are
easily recognised and available in the event of a fire.
An brief synopsis of our fire extinguisher range; comparing fire ratings and showing what types
of fire risk each extinguisher covers.
A guide to show how fire extinguisher can be damaged in transit if they are not correctly
protected. A helpful illustrated guide to help determine the age of a fire extinguisher using its
manufacturing date.
A helpful guide detailing how the cost of fire extinguisher provision can be reduced in schools
and academies. A brief guide detailing how to clean up after a fire extinguisher has been
discharged. A free reminder service to notify you when your extinguishers are due to be
serviced, refilled or replaced.