Fire drills in schools in UK

Fire drills

An overview of how schools should carry out a fire drill.

It is the duty of the Chief Instructor and governing body of the premises to ensure that fire evacuation drills are carried out.

The dangers which may intimidate children and staff if a fire breaks out depends on many different factors. Consequently, it is not possible to construct a model procedure for action in the event of fire which would be suitable for use in all premises.

Each fire routine must be based upon a simple, efficient procedure which is specifically designed for the premises in which it has to utilize. It is therefore important that the following points must be given prime consideration.

The mean of the fire drill for the Students

Fire drills are intended to ensure, by means of orienting and rehearsal, that:

  • people who may be in risk act in a calm and orderly manner
  • those with function carry out their tasks to ensure the safety of all concerned
  • Evading routes are used in accordance with a predetermined and practiced plan
  • evacuation of the Structure is achieved in a speedy and orderly manner
  • people will react rationally when confronted with a fire or other emergency at school or elsewhere.

The residency of the premises

Deliberation must be given to the age of the pupils attending the school and whether there are any children with special needs.


A fire drill is a procedure of practising how a building would be vacate in the event of a fire or other emergency. Usually, the building’s prevail fire alarm system is activated and the building is evacuated as if the emergency had occurred. Normally, the time it takes to evacuate is unfaltering to ensure that it occurs within a reasonable length of time, and problems with the emergency system or evacuation procedures are identified to be remedied.

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Learning Fire Safety Training Protects your Business

Learning Fire Safety Training Protects your Business

Fire incident can happen anywhere and anytime. Luckily though there are precautions and guidelines to prevent such incident. At workplaces Fire safety awareness is an absolute must, it is the employer’s legal obligation to make sure that the necessary obliged precautions that are given by the government to be followed.

According to The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 or “the Fire Safety Order” states that all buildings, places and structures other than private ownership or a personal property not related to businesses or homes as we call it, and it is the responsibility of the employer to make sure that the workplace reaches the required standard and employees are provided with adequate fire safety training.

Standard fire safety training would contain the following:

  • Induction training (general fire awareness)
  • Periodic refresher training (or where the level of fire risk increases as a result of changes)
  • Training to support people in fulfilling their fire safety duties (e.g. responsible person)
  • Training towards competence (fire risk assessment, fire warden, fire extinguisher)

Conveniently the law states that all workplaces should have fire safety precaution and trained personnel(s) that would deal with this scenario but this is not just about it being a legal obligation. Without following the fire safety laws and regulations set for business you are risking yourself for such disaster. And these fire incidents can be very expensive and for some it would cost the business itself. It’s risking that the responsible government institution of these matters to give you penalties and worse close your business down and face lawsuits.

And your problem won’t only be the unavoidable cost that the disaster will bring with it. Fire incidents being incredibly dangerous and destructive in nature, it will also bring harm and possibly death to the people in your workplace as well as damages on the infrastructure, supplies and equipment or assets might be too much of a burden for you to come back.