computer health and safety

Safeguarding vulnerable adults online training course

Safeguarding adultsThis course is for any person whose job involves working with vulnerable adults, whether it’s on a full-time or part-time basis. The course is designed for workers at all levels, including managers, supervisors, full-time staff and volunteers, and requires no pre-requisite knowledge.

Examples of people who may wish to take this training include:

  • Dental professionals.
  • Education establishments
  • Care home workers.
  • Private healthcare workers.
  • NHS staff.

The course is divided into six accessible, interactive modules and includes an assessment at the end:

  • Introduction – defining safeguarding, key principles, dignity, who is a vulnerable adult.


  • Understanding Why Vulnerable Adults Are at Risk – what is abuse, who adults are abused by, consent, factors that increase risk and mental capacity.
  • Types of Abuse – categories of abuse: sexual, physical, emotional/psychological, neglect and acts of omission, financial, discriminatory and institutional.
  • Responding to a Disclosure – how a concern may come to your attention, how to respond to a disclosure, why adults often don’t disclose information, what to do next and whistle blowing.
  • Reporting Your Concerns – your responsibilities, why some people don’t take action, who to report to, what to do if the report isn’t taken seriously, what to do if the concerns are about a professional, when to report a concern, what needs reporting, checking existing records, what happens next and recording information.
  • What Happens After a Referral – adult social care’s decision, what to do if you don’t agree with the decision, strategy discussions, the case conference, protection plans, reviewing the plan, discontinuing the plan and further reading.


By the end of this course you will:

  • Learn why safeguarding vulnerable adults training is so important for everyone within your organisation.
  • Awareness of which adults are most at risk and which factors increase the likelihood of being at risk from harm.
  • Learn more about the different categories of abuse, plus the potential warning signs associated with each type.
  • Learn how to respond appropriately to a disclosure from a vulnerable adult and know what to do next.
  • Learn how to report any concerns that you may have.
  • Learn what happens in the safeguarding process after a referral to adult social care has been made.

Visit our WEBSITE for more info!


Assessment of Display Screen Equipments

Assessment of Display Screen Equipments

For this day and age it is quite common for everybody to use DSE’s both for work and personal matters. In workplaces the use of Display Screen Equipment is essential and so employees being overexposed to it is not unnatural for workplaces anymore. And we all know that these kind of overexposure may lead to unwanted problems for the workers themselves.

For these reasons laws like The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations of 1992 are produced to provide the best standards that workplace employees who use Display Screen Equipment for work. These standards aim to ensure that all workplace employees are given the best environment.

And for these standards to be met in the workplaces proper assessments are done so that the lack in the workplace in regards to Safety of the Employees and DSE’s. Now these standards are check by the Safety representatives. Safety representatives are either elected by the workforce or appointed by a trade union , they are consulted for safety issues. And the workplace standard involving Display Screen Equipment are also no exception to this.

Safety representatives need to check that their employer is implementing the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992, and is fully involving safety representatives in implementing the requirements.

Safety representatives must ensureto check that employers have:

  • carried out risk assessments on all workstations (Regulation 2)
  • consulted users but ensured they are provided with training before being asked to complete any sort of checklist
  • ensured that any workstation meets the minimum requirement of the Schedule to the regulations (Regulation 3)
  • planned the activities of users to allow for breaks (Regulation 4)
  • provided a free eye test to users (Regulation 5)
  • provided training (Regulation 6)
  • provided information about their health and safety to users (Regulation 7)
  • establish systems for early reporting of problems and ill health symptoms, and
  • reviewed all risk assessments when there are reports of problems, or changes in work practices, equipment and workload.

The Hazards of Display Screen Equipment Usage

The Hazards of Display Screen Equipment Usage

Display Screen Equipment are devices or equipment that has a graphical screen display and it allows users to navigate the functions of the device, these type of technology serves a purpose to help industrial or personal lives.

For sure we are very familiar with these Display Screen Equipment for they are quite common and can be seen everywhere and anywhere in our everyday lives it can range from handheld devices to the more bulky yet powerful personal computers/laptops and even stationary DSE that are engineered fore specific purposes.

But just like everything else these things while convenient as they are improper usage and overexposure may cause harm towards those who are using them.

For example for the industry workers who are regularly using Display Screen Equipment for work then can possibly experience a wide range of different physical and psychological health problems including temporary myopia, eyestrain, blurred vision, headaches, mental stress, musculoskeletal problems including RSI, and reproductive hazards.

Here are the most commonly caused DSE-related health issues:

  • Repetitive strain injuries (RSI)Repetitive strain injuries are a major problem for users of display screen equipment. RSI is the collective name used to describe a range of muscle and tendon conditions of the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands and fingers caused by continuous, repetitive or pressurised finger, hand or arm movements such as typing.
  • Stress is very common to any kind of work-related matters and even personal matters cause this, many DSE workers complain about suffering from very high levels of stress, and mental as well as physical fatigue, when they are involved in work on DSE.
  • Eyesight problems these are the most commonly heard problems caused by extensive usage of DSE, for the use of DSE is very visually demanding and has a lot of stress that it does to the eyes of the user. Though there are no clear evidence that DSE may cause permanent eye damage for certain some of the visual fatigue that the eyes experience from DSE can lead to eye related complications.
  • Reproductive hazards while they are not quite common, there has been cases of reproductive defectiveness and birth-related problems related to exposure of  electromagnetic radiation that DSE emits,

What are the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 ?

What are the Display Screen Equipment Regulations of 1992 ?

Rules, laws and regulation have always existed even way before this modern era. They exist for people to avoid abuses and harm that may befall upon them different matters.

For Display Screen Equipment, no matter how useful and how much help it provides to mankind in different fields, they also have rules and regulations.  And Health and Safety Regulation of 1992 was made to address the usage of DSE.

The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 aim to protect the health of people who work with DSE.

These safety regulations gives the employers and the employees themselves responsibilities for those who work and has regular use of DSE. The law obliged that :

  • Analyse workstations, and assess and reduce risks

Employers need to look at:

  • the whole workstation including equipment, furniture and the work environment
  • the job being done
  • any special needs of individual staff.

Employees and safety representatives should be encouraged to take part in risk assessments, for example, by reporting health problems. Where risks are identified, the employer must take steps to reduce them.

These requirements are good features that should normally be found in a workstation, such as adjustable chairs and suitable lighting. They are set out in a schedule to the Regulations, covering the equipment, the working environment and the interface (for example, software) between the computer and the user or operator. The main requirements include:

  • adequate lighting
  • adequate contrast, no glare or distracting reflections
  • distracting noise minimised
  • leg room and clearances to allow postural changes
  • window covering if needed to minimise glare
  • software – appropriate to the task, adapted to the user, providing feedback on the system status, no undisclosed monitoring
  • screen – stable image, adjustable, readable, glare/reflection free
  • keyboard – usable, adjustable, detachable, legible
  • work surface – with space for flexible arrangement of equipment and documents, glare-free chair – stable and adjustable
  • footrest if user needs one.

Other things like giving the employees training and information dissemination regarding VDU health and safety which assures them that they will be knowledgeable with DSE health and safety.